Rujukan Hantukang (burung)

  1. Dumbacher, John P.; Pratt, Thane K.; Fleischer, Robert C. (2003). "Phylogeny of the owlet-nightjars (Aves: Aegothelidae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence" [Filogeni hantukang (Aves: Aegothelidae) berdasarkan jujukan DNA mitokondria]. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 29 (3): 540–549. doi:10.1016/s1055-7903(03)00135-0.
  2. Mayr, Gerald (2002). "Osteological evidence for paraphyly of the avian order Caprimulgiformes (nightjars and allies)" [Bukti osteologi untuk parafili order burung Caprimulgiformes (hantukang dan kerabat)]. Journal of Ornithology. 143 (1): 82–97. doi:10.1007/BF02465461.
  3. Simonetta, A. M. (1967). "Cinesi e morfologia del cranio negli Uccelli non passeriformi. Studio su varie tendenze evolative. Part II—Striges, Caprimulgiformes, ed Apodiformes" [Kinesis dan morfologi tengkorak dalam burung bukan ahli Passeriformes. Kajian pelbagai aliran evolusi. Bahagian II—Striges, Caprimulgiformes, dan Apodiformes.]. Archivio Zoologico Italiano (dalam bahasa Itali). 52: 1–35.
  4. Boyd, John (2007). "STRISORES II- Apodiformes". John Boyd's website. Dicapai pada 30 December 2017.
  5. "Comparison of IOC 8.1 with other world lists". IOC World Bird List. Dicapai pada 30 December 2017.
  6. Worthy, T. H.; Tennyson, A. J. D.; Jones, C.; McNamara, J. A.; Douglas, B. J. (2007). "Miocene waterfowl and other birds from central Otago, New Zealand". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 5 (1): 1–39. doi:10.1017/S1477201906001957.
  7. Worthy, Trevor H.; Scofield, R. Paul; Salisbury, Steven W.; Hand, Suzanne J.; De Pietri, Vanesa L.; Archer, Michael (2022). "Two new neoavian taxa with contrasting palaeobiogeographical implications from the early Miocene St Bathans Fauna, New Zealand". Journal of Ornithology (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 163 (3): 643–658. doi:10.1007/s10336-022-01981-6. ISSN 2193-7206.